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Leticia Alvarez Gutiérrez receives the Second Annual
Ruby Chacon Social Justice Arts Award

Congratulations to Leticia on this well-deserved award!

Leticia Alvarez Gutierrez

"We can think of nobody better to be the first recipient, given all that you have done
and continue to do supporting arts, education, and social change.

We will be giving the award at our “Sweet” 16th Anniversary Fundraiser,
on the evening of Friday, November 22nd, 6:00pm-9:00pm.

Paul Kuttner
Vice-Chair, MICA"

"Sweet" 16th Anniversary Fundraiser


The Ruby Chacon Social Justice Arts Award presented by Mestizo Institute of Culture and Arts recognizes a Salt Lake Valley resident who has advanced justice and equity in our communities through the arts. Awardees are individuals who do one or more of the following:

- Push the boundaries of identity, culture, and art in the pursuit of justice;
- Collaborate with artists, activists, educators, and leaders in social change efforts;
- Advocate for the arts and social justice in our communities, schools, and other institutions;
- Demonstrate deep commitment to Salt Lake communities that face ongoing marginalization and oppression;
- Use the arts to shift thinking and provide liberatory counternarratives;
- Support young and emerging artists in their journeys; and
- Build and strengthen our multicultural communities.

Ruby Chacon artworkRuby Chacon is a co-founder of Mestizo Institute of Culture and Arts (MICA). She is a Xicana artist, educator, activist, and community leader whose murals and other artwork can be seen across the Valley. Ruby has dedicated her career to supporting young and emerging artists and to amplifying the individuals, stories, and cultures that have been kept out of our national narrative. It is this spirit that we seek to honor with the Ruby Chacon Social Justice Award.

For additional information, visit:


Artwork by Ruby Chacon

Last Updated: 9/20/21