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Meghan Zametske Presentation

Meghan Zametske, first-year PhD student in ECS, presented at the 8th Annual American Indian & Indigenous Collective (AIIC) Symposium. Her presentation explored how the geologic process of crystallization is an apt metaphor for the fractionation and dispersion of American Indians. 

Meghan Zametske

Student Engagment

Only a first-year PhD student, and Meghan has already presented at the 8th Annual AIIC Symposium as part of Dr. Benally's ECS-7618 Colonial Post-Colonial Theory in Education course. She presented her paper, "Fractional Crystallization as a Metaphor for a Palimpsest of Colonization" exploring how the geological processes that create the land we occupy are a metaphor for how indigenous populations have been colonized through displacement, dispersion, and the transfer of land from American Indians to whites. Meghan weaves together the fractionation of land, both as a natural scientific process and as a social injustice., ultimately showing us that a complete and accurate of history will require a reimagining of history + land + people as inseparable. 

A copy of her presentation slides can be found HERE.

Last Updated: 9/20/21