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LGBTQ youths and the school-to-prison pipeline - op-ed

Sonny Partola, a first year student in the ECS Ph.D. program, authors an opinion piece for the Salt Lake Tribune.

 Sonny Partola

"This year marks the 50th anniversary of Pride. On a regular afternoon in 1970, New Yorkers gathered to hold their own Pride parade, known as the Christopher Street Liberation, to recall the events of Stonewall a year earlier. Today, LGBTQ youths are still gathering, but in a more disturbing place: jail cells."

Read the full article HERE

Sonny’s article, Fifty years of Pride & pain. LGBTQ youth and the school-to -prison pipeline was completed as an assignment in Dr. Alvarez Gutiérrez’s ECS 7820: Juvenile (In)Justice & Education seminar.

Last Updated: 9/20/21