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Dr. Leticia Alvarez: Working to Ensure Equitable Education

Dr. Leticia Alvarez is part of the SLC Family Voices: A message to Schools project. The project aims to ensure equitable education during the pandemic and when schools return to in-person in the fall. Unfortunately, students, families, and communities of color have been hardest hit by the pandemic. SLC Voices aims to provide those hardest hit with tools to stay safe, connected, and ensure students did not fall behind. 

A Message to Schools 

 The SLC Family Voices: A Message to Schools is a collaborative video project that asks, "How is this new situation impacting families and students? How is it changing teachers’ practice? How can families and schools stay connected in these challenging times? How can COVID-19 challenge us to rethink schooling?" and offers answers from teachers and families from the West side of the valley. Dr. Alvarez took part as an educator and woman of color, offering her expertise and vast educational knowledge to assist families during the pandemic and when their students return to in-person classroom learning. You can watch the videos and learn more here: Zoom screenshot

Keep up the good work, Dr. Alvarez!  


Last Updated: 9/20/21